Friday, March 26, 2010 5-7 pm
The Beauty of Fragments: Talks with and about the NYC performance group Radiohole
The aim of The Cultivator series is to give breath and voice to dramatic scripts in progress, and to act as a seedbed for new dramatic writing. The Cultivator invites thoughtful experiments with form and language, and encourages spontaneous, organic collaborations between playwrights and performers. Each script presentation will be followed by a salon-style discussion, where participants and audience can talk freely about the work presented, or else consider the broader implications of theater and performance art in our culture. Part of the weekly CompostModern Discussion Forum at Dactyl, this monthly series will follow the forum’s general scope and format. By putting theater professionals together in one room with their peers, along with scientists, writers, noted artists from various other disciplines, and the interested public, the forum acts as a fertile place to exchange ideas about everything from beauty and meaning to pop culture.
For more information on how to become a featured playwright in the series, or if you would like to participate as a performer, write to:
Next session: Friday, April 30 @ 5-7 pm