Dactyl Art-Science researcher J. Augustus Bacigalupi on Quant/Qual

This presentation, building off of the social interactive design practice evaluated in (Bacigalupi, 2020), will start by problematizing current quantitative and qualitative methodologies used in complex social environments. To transcend the contradictions inherent in a quant/qual framing, a process-oriented approach to agential individuation will be proposed. This process philosophy will serve as the basis for novel methodologies in practice as explored by select projects documented in (Bacigalupi, 2020).  This talk was presented Sept. 18th, 2021 to the 5th International Conference on Interactivity, Language and Cognition with a focus on quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

J. A. Bacigalupi (2020); Evolving Ethnographies: Problematizing Social Practice via Interactive Installations and Human Habits of Alienation sentientartworks.com/science

Annual Biosemiotics Gathering at Berkeley, CA June 2018

This is a rare opportunity for Americans to attend the Biosemiotics annual conference. Usually held in Europe, it will be held in California this spring.

Call for Papers

18th Annual Biosemiotics Gathering, Berkeley, California, June 17-20, 2018
The Scientific Advisory Committee of the 18th Gathering in Biosemiotics is pleased to invite scholars to submit abstracts on the fundamental mechanisms of meaning-making (semiosis) in living systems

The International Society for Biosemiotic Studies

How can art and science interact meaningfully?

April 12, 2014

Based on a talk at the Leonardo Art and Science Rendezvous (LASER) meeting in NYC, Victoria N Alexander, PhD discusses how scientists can benefit from interaction with artists. This is the second video in the “Science, Art and Biosemiotics” series, produced and directed by Lucian Rex.
This video features painting, Epiphany, 1998 by James Gilroy

The Science of Making Choices

February 24, 2014

What happens in your body when you choose to go right or left?  What makes your decisions? your Self? What do we mean by the word “choice”?

VN Alexander, PhD discusses the science of making choices from a complexity science-biosemiotic perspective. This is the first in a series of videos “Science, Art and Biosemiotics,” produced and directed by Lucian Rex.

Biosemiotics Conference June 21-25, 2011

The Eleventh Annual International Gathering in Biosemiotics will be held from June 21 to June 26, 2011 under the auspices of the Dactyl Foundation at the Rockefeller University for Biomedical Research in New York City, USA.  Biosemiotics is an interdiscipline that seeks naturalistic understandings of metalistic phenomena, grounded in biology, and, in turn, seeks understandings of biological processes in terms of a general semiotics.

What can be learned about human semiosis, interpretation, communication, creativity and meaning-making by studying less complex but analogous phenomena in cellular signaling, chemotaxis, zoosemiotics, embryonic development, or the immune system? Can the pervasive metaphoric usages of chemical “message,” genetic “information,” and  “signaling” in contemporary biology be defined more precisely by taking them literally? While human symbolic representation may be species-specific–or at least unique to unusually big-brained animals–it must have emerged out of less complex semiotic processes and proto-semiotic processes.  What are the antecedents of human semiosis? And how can the exploration of these antecedents help bridge the unnatural gap between body and mind that was imposed centuries ago more for religious than scientific reasons?

All are welcome to attend. For registration information click here.

Want to learn more about Biosemiotics?  Visit the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies website, or listen to ISBS Vice-President Don Favareau on BBC radio.

Call for Papers: 11th Annual Biosemiotics Gathering

Biosemiotics JournalThe Eleventh Annual International Gathering in Biosemiotics will be held from June 21 to June 26, 2011 under the auspices of the Dactyl Foundation at the Rockefeller University for Biomedical Research in New York City, USA. The Scientific Advisory Committee of the Eleventh Annual Gatherings in Biosemiotics welcomes paper proposals from researchers in any academic discipline who are investigating the presence and the role of sign processes in living systems.

What is Biosemiotics?  Listen to philosopher Don Favareau on BBC radio.

The call for papers is now closed.  Continue reading “Call for Papers: 11th Annual Biosemiotics Gathering”

Wendy Wheeler, 2009 essay award recipient

“Creative Evolution: A Theory of Cultural Sustainability,”

forthcoming in Communications, Politics and Culture. Dactyl Foundation is please to award Wendy Wheeler this year for her essay which helps to bring the sciences back into the arts.

‘Under the name of something called postmodernism, or of a condition called postmodernity, the idea of the artist as someone possibly doing something special has been derided as romantic Continue reading “Wendy Wheeler, 2009 essay award recipient”